Why Selling to Big Companies Is Different From Selling to Small Companies — Part #1

Selling to Big Companies

Sreekanth Ganeshi


“Corporate decision makers want you to bring them ideas, make them think, and expand their perspectives on what it takes to run their firms successfully.”

Selling to Big Companies
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Arranging sales meetings with decision-makers at big companies is very difficult. If you find this to be true, you’re not alone and you’re not imagining it. Moreover, it probably won’t get easier. Many market factors are coming together to make big companies even tougher to penetrate. They are globalizing, constantly reorganizing, restructuring, and downsizing. Their people are trying to do more with less. They are dealing with constant change and are not eager to embrace any more of it. Technology has made information more widely available to decision-makers, including the kind of inside product information that only sales reps used to provide. Moreover, competition is getting stiffer; even the best product attracts a host of competitors in no time at all. Corporate decision-makers aren’t inhuman or superhuman. They’re ordinary Joes and Janes who work for giant corporations. They avoid self-serving, self-promoting salespeople. You must find a new…



Sreekanth Ganeshi

I am a leadership expert and author of 11+ books, dedicated to empowering and inspiring future leaders through mentorship. Books Link: https://rxe.me/C4B7RJ