How to Use a Four-Step Selling Process to Assess Your Prospect’s Needs — Part #1

What Every Successful Sales Professional Needs to Know

Sreekanth Ganeshi


Everything you need to know about selling in a tidy package, from prospecting to presenting to closing the deal

“To be the winner you are capable of becoming, you must plan to win; you must prepare to win; and then you have every right to expect to win.”

Selling 101
Credit to Author

Why Do You Want to Sell?

Sales professionals are treated offensively now and then, and they experience rejection not once, but numerous times. They are subjected to feelings of frustration, paranoia, anxiety, nervousness, discouragement and self-doubt. So why would anyone want to pursue a career in sales? The reason is that for the right person, the upside of selling far outweighs the negatives. As a salesperson, you are your own boss no matter what company employs you or which supervisor checks your call sheets. This is a huge responsibility, but it offers a tremendous opportunity. You control your own destiny. Realizing your dreams is within your power. Salespeople, or “professional persuaders,” are in the problem-solving business, which is tremendously gratifying. Nothing compares to making a sale…



Sreekanth Ganeshi

I am a leadership expert and author of 11+ books, dedicated to empowering and inspiring future leaders through mentorship. Books Link: